Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Reality Shows

No, it is not a sign board in the jungle. It is the Indian version of the British reality show 'I am a celebrity.. Get me out of here!'. Around the world, like wild fire, TV viewers are now a days inundated with a host of reality shows. These shows, particularly the talent shows do give a number of people opportunities to show case their talents. However the down side is that this is done at the expense of the viewers through whom these shows generate tremendous amount of revenue. There is no escape from the reality shows. They are everywhere; even in movies. Thanks to movies like Slum Dog Millionaire, Hollywood flicks 'Ed TV', and 'The Truman Show'.

Reality shows are not new to the world. Live fights were organized in ancient times in which participants were slaves. The slaves either fight with animals or fight with each other to entertain the audience. So how does that differ from the modern day reality shows. In ancient times the slaves were not paid. The winners became the most expensive slaves. But in modern day shows, the participants, who I call them the 'modern day slaves' get paid or get famous. The modern day slaves are not slaves to people but slaves to fame and money.

Like them or hate them. But you can not ignore them.

Rajesh Kumar

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